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balance Dec 25, 2017

Meet Team TULA: Our Holiday Traditions

Meet Team TULA: Our Holiday Traditions

Happy Holidays! Here at TULA, we love any reason to celebrate, whether it’s a work anniversary, a birthday, or a silly national holiday (National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, anyone?) - so it should be no surprise that the holiday season is one of our favorite times of the year. Not only have we been in holiday mode since Halloween, our office is overflowing with gift wrap, ribbons, and of course, our limited edition holiday skincare sets.

Today we wanted to share some of our team’s favorite seasonal traditions! Read what we're looking forward to this year, and get some ideas for cozy nights in.


Jen: "My family and I always go to Peddler's Village to see their light display and gingerbread contest winners!"


Hannah: "While my husband and I don't celebrate a specific winter holiday, there's something about this time of year that makes us crave surrounding ourselves with loved ones and good food. We're really looking forward to playing host and hostess (this will be our first winter as a married couple!) to cozy nights in with family and friends - think big dinners and lots of childhood board games!"


Victoria: "Mine has always been visiting my cousins and making/eating Swedish food. My grandma, mom, and I always made Cardamom Braid Bread and my grandma's sister and family always made Swedish Meatballs and Gravlax on Rye Toast. I'm vegetarian now, so I'm looking to veggie-ify these family favorites!"


Lauren: "I have 3 young boys and every year one of Santa's Christmas elves (actually just my oldest son Otis) shows up the day that we put our Christmas tree up. Otis hides around the house, and every night he moves to a new hiding spot and leaves a little treat for the boys behind the next day's door in the advent calendar. So every morning the boys rush down to find their treat and find Otis' new hiding spot. It's a very magical time!"


Donnie: "Baking homemade apple pies with my family on Christmas eve :)"


Jessica: "I don’t celebrate Christmas, but we always watch a movie with Chinese food on Christmas Eve, and then my mom hosts a brunch for 14 family members!"


Sarah: "My favorite holiday tradition is when my family gets our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. After searching for the perfect one, we take it home, drink hot chocolate, decorate the tree and the house while our favorite holiday music plays, and we end the night by watching a movie with our decorations lit up. It’s the best!"


Andi: "My daughter reminded me - every year, we watch “It's a Wonderful Life” and make cookies for Santa, even though my kids are now in their 20's. Chocolate chip = my favorite :)"


Erica: "My favorite holiday tradition is making Christmas morning brunch with my mom and sister! We all meet in the morning (usually in some sort of crazy Christmas pajamas), make waffles and an excessive amount of food together while blasting classic Christmas music. Pretty much every year my sister’s dog steals bacon or drinks someone’s coffee. And then after breakfast we open presents together."


Alisa: "Life is so hectic throughout the year that the holidays are the perfect time to slow down and enjoy time together with my husband and kids. We usually spend lots of time at home playing games near the fireplace. It's all about getting cozy and enjoying the little moments together."